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First Name(s)
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Email Address
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Intended Future Level of Study
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Postgraduate Taught
Postgraduate Research
Anticipated Year of Entry (UG)
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Anticipated Year of Entry (PG)
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Anticipated Month of Entry (PG)
Secondary School (please start typing the name of your school to get the relevant options)
Subject of Interest (UG)
Please select...
Biological and biomedical sciences
Business and management
Chemical sciences
Comparative literature
Computer science
Economics and finance
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Environmental science
FIlm Studies
Global development
Languages and cultures
Liberal Arts
Materials Science
Mathematical sciences
Physics and astronomy
Politics and international relations
Subject of Interest (PG)
Please select...
Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Business and Management
Computer and data science
Dentistry - Clinical programmes
Dentistry - Non-clinical programmes
Economics and Finance
Environmental science
Film studies
Global development
Languages and cultures
Law - diplomas
Law - distance learning programmes
Law - joint programmes
Law - LLM London programmes
Law - LLM London/Singapore programmes
Law - LLM Paris programmes
Law - MA/MSc programmes
Law - specialist intellectual property programmes
Life Sciences
Materials science
Mathematical Sciences and Data Analytics
Media technology
Medicine - Biosciences programmes
Medicine - Cancer programmes
Medicine - Clinically oriented programmes
Medicine - Global and public health programmes
Medicine - Mental health programmes
Medicine – Health and care-related programmes
Paris taught programmes
Physics and Astronomy
Politics and International Relations
Telecomms, mobile and networks
Programme of Interest (UG)
Please select...
Biomedical Sciences
Medical Genetics
Accountancy (Flying Start)
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Management
Business Management
Business Management (Social Change)
Business Management with a Year in Industry
Business Management with Chinese
International Business
Marketing and Management
Marketing and Management with a Year in Industry
Chemical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
Comparative Literature
Comparative Literature and Film Studies
Comparative Literature and Linguistics
Computer Science
Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science with Management
Computer Systems Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Oral Health
Drama and History
Drama with Creative Writing
English and Drama
Film Studies and Drama
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Finance with Year in Industry
Economics and Finance
Economics and International Finance
Economics and International Relations
Economics and Politics
Economics, Finance and Management
Economics, Statistics and Mathematics
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Design, Innovation and Creative Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Robotics Engineering
Sustainable Energy Engineering
English and Drama
English and Film Studies
English and History
English Language
English Language and Linguistics
English Literature and Linguistics
English with Creative Writing
Environmental Science
Environmental Science with Business Management
Film Studies
Film Studies and Drama
Film Studies and French
Film Studies and German
Film Studies and Hispanic Studies
Film Studies and Russian
Liberal Arts
Geography with Business Management
Human Geography
Global Development
Cultural History
History and International Relations
History and Politics
Modern and Contemporary History
World History
Film Studies and French
Film Studies and German
Film Studies and Hispanic Studies
Film Studies and Russian
French and Comparative Literature
French and Linguistics
French and Politics
French Studies
French Studies with Business (University of London in Paris)
French with Business Management
German and Comparative Literature
German and Linguistics
German and Politics
German with Business Management
Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature
Hispanic Studies and Linguistics
Hispanic Studies and Politics
Hispanic Studies with Business Management
Liberal Arts
Modern Languages
Russian and Comparative Literature
Russian and Politics
Russian with Business Management
English and European Law
English and French Law (with Sorbonne)
Global Law
Law and Climate Justice LLB
Law and Politics
Law with Business
Law with History
Liberal Arts
English Language
English Language and Linguistics
French and Linguistics
Materials Science
Materials Science and Engineering
Actuarial Science
Financial Mathematics
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics with Finance and Accounting
Mathematics with Management
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Sciences
Intercalated degrees (Medicine)
Medical Genetics
Medicine (Graduate Entry)
Medicine (Malta)
Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
Physics with Data Science
International Politics with French (Paris)
International Relations
International Relations with Business Management
Politics and International Relations
Politics and Sociology
Politics with Business Management
Politics and Sociology
Programme Area of Interest (PG)
Please select...
Artificial Intelligence in the Biosciences
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biomedical Sciences
Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation
Psychology (Conversion)
Psychology: Mental Health Sciences
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Management
Blockchain in Business and Society
Business Analytics
Business and Management
Creative Industries and Arts Organisation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Heritage Management (with HRP)
International Business
International Financial Management
International Human Resource Management
Management with Pre-Integrated Masters
MRes Business and Management
MSc International Financial Management
Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery listed
Chemical Sciences
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Science
Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery
Big Data Science
Computer Games
Computer Science
Computer Science by Research
Computing and Information Systems
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Digital and Technology Solutions (Apprenticeship)
Internet of Things and Future Networks
Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics
Sound and Music Computing
Clinical Oral Microbiology
Craniofacial Trauma Reconstruction
Endondontic Practice
Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Oral Medicine
Oral Surgery
Paediatric Dentistry
Dental Materials
Dental Public Health
Dental Science for Clinical Practice
Dental Technology
Experimental Oral Pathology (Oral Sciences)
Oral Biology
Creative Arts and Mental Health
Theatre and Performance
Banking and Finance
Behavioural Finance
Corporate Finance
Economics MRes
Finance and Machine Learning
Finance MRes
Investment and Finance
Investment Banking
Mental Health Economics
Wealth Management
Advanced Aeronautical Engineering and Space Systems
Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Advanced Mechanical Engineering
Advanced Polymer Science and Engineering
Advanced Robotics
Aerospace Structures and Materials
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering (Conversion)
Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Computational Engineering
Data Centric Systems Engineering
Engineering Management MSc
Sustainable Energy Systems
Creative Writing
English Literature
Water and Environmental Management
Film (Directing Fiction)
Film (Documentary Practice)
Film (Theory)
Geography MRes
Development and International Business
Global Development
History of Political Thought and Intellectual History
English Language Teaching
Language Teaching
Translation and Adaptation Studies
International Finance Law
Law Flexible Study
Global MBA online (ULIP)
International Dispute Resolution
Law Flexible Study
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law
Law and Economics
Law and Finance
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law
LLM with SQE preparation
Art, Business and Law
Banking and Finance Law
Comparative and International Dispute Resolution
Competition Law
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice MRes
Energy and Climate Change Law
Environmental Law
European Law
Human Rights Law
Human Rights Law MRes
Immigration Law
Immigration Law MRes
Insurance Law
Intellectual Property Law
International Business Law
International Economic Law
International Economic Law MRes
International Tax Law
Law and Economics
Law Flexible Study
Media Law
Public International Law
Public International Law MRes
Regulation and Compliance
Commercial Law
Banking and Finance Law
Comparative and International Dispute Res
Energy and Climate Change Law
Intellectual Property Law
International Business Law
Law Flexible Study
Sorbonne - QMUL Double LLM
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law
Law and Finance
Law by Research
Regulation and Compliance
Intellectual Property Law
Management of Intellectual Property
Regulation of Innovation in Europe: Law, Policy and Practice (Brussels UoM)
Trade Marks Law and Practice
Big Data Science
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Dental Materials
Dental Public Health
Dental Technology
Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
Genomic Medicine
Global Development Futures
Global Health Geographies
Global Health Geographies MRes
Global Health, Law and Governance
Global Public Health and Policy
Health Systems and Global Policy
International Primary Health Care
Medical Electronics and Physics
Migration, Culture and Global Health Policy
Regenerative Medicine
LInguistics in Society
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Advanced Polymer Science and Engineering
Aerospace Structures and Materials
Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Dental Materials
Materials Research MRes
Data Analytics
Financial Mathematics
MSc Actuarial Science and Data Analytics
MSc Applied Statistics and Data Science
MSc Risk Analytics
Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics
Sound and Music Computing
Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology)
Cancer Genomics and Data Science
Cancer Genomics and Data Science (Online)
Cardiac and Vascular Medicine
Clinical Drug Development
Forensic Medical Sciences
Genomic Medicine
Health Care Research Methods
Neuromodulation and Pain Management (Online)
Neuroscience and Translational Medicine
Regenerative Medicine
Cancer and Clinical Oncology
Cancer and Molecular and Cellular Biology
Cancer and Molecular Pathology and Genomics
Cancer and Therapeutics
Cancer Genomics and Data Science
Cancer Genomics and Data Science (Online)
Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical Skills
Aesthetic Medicine
Clinical Dermatology
Clinical Endocrinology
Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Research
Critical Care
Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Enhancing the Safety and Wellbeing of Persons in Care and Custody (online)
Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical Skills
Medical Education
Neuromodulation and Pain Management (Online)
Orthopaedic Trauma Science
Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Perioperative Medicine
Physician Associate Studies
Podiatric Sports Medicine
Sports and Exercise Medicine
Tactical Military Austere and Operational Medicine
Trauma Sciences
Trauma Sciences (Military & Humanitarian)
Creative Arts and Mental Health
Development and Global Health
Forensic Mental Health
Forensic Psychology and Mental Health
Global Public Health (Online)
Global Public Health PGCert
Global Public Health MSc
Global Public Health PGDip
Global Public Health and Policy
Global Public Health and Policy MRes
Health Data in Practice MRes
Mental Health Economics
Mental Health: Cultural Psychology and Psychiatry
Mental Health: Cultural Psychology and Psychiatry MRes
Mental Health: Psychological Therapies
Public Mental Health
Mental Health: Psychological Therapies MRes
Mental Health: Psychological Therapies Online
Social Science Enquiry in Creative Arts and Mental Health MRes
Enhancing the Safety and Wellbeing of Persons in Care and Custody
Banking and Finance Law
Energy and Climate Change Law
Intellectual Property Law
International Business Law
International Dispute Resolution and Economic Law
Management (Paris)
Sorbonne - QMUL Double LLM
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Physics: Condensed Matter Physics
Physics: Particle Physics
Physics: Theoretical Physics
International Business and Politics
International Public Policy
International Public Policy (Online)
International Relations
International Relations (Online)
International Relations MRes
Public Policy
Public Policy MRes
Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering by Research
Internet of Things and Future Networks
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I have lived in local authority care for a period of at least 13 weeks
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I am disabled and in receipt of (or entitled to) personal independence payments or disability living allowance
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