Queen Mary Futures - Autumn 2024/25

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Please complete this application form in order to be considered for the Queen Mary Futures Programme, which will take place at Queen Mary's Mile End and Whitechapel campuses on the below dates.

Mile End Campus Programme

    Science and Engineering Subjects       Humanities and Social Sciences Subjects
Week 1     Wednesday 6th November        Thursday 7th November
Week 2     Wednesday 13th November       Thursday 14th November
Week 3     Wednesday 20th November       Thursday 21st November
Week 4     Wednesday 27th November       Thursday 28th November

Whitechapel Campus Programme

    Medicine and Dentistry      

    Week 1          Thursday 7th November       

     Week 2         Thursday 14th November     

    Week 3         Thursday 21st November      

    Week 4        Thursday 28th November      

The deadline to submit your application is Sunday 13th October 2024

The details you provide us with in this application form will be stored safely, and will only be shared with specific partner organisations for evaluation purposes with your consent. Full details of the way we will store your data, and how it will be used, are contained within our 'Data Protection Notice' on page 6 of this application form.
Your Details

If appropriate, please also comment on any accommodating steps that the university can take to improve your experience of this programme

If appropriate, please also comment on any safety implications related to the severity of your condition or allergy. E.g. a potentially lethal risk of exposure to nuts

Parent/Carer and Emergency Contact details
If you are accepted on to the Queen Mary Futures programme, we will contact a parent or carer to let them know you will take part.

E.g. Mother, Uncle, Legal Guardian, etc.

We also ask for emergency contact details, in case we need to urgently update someone of your circumstances in the event of an emergency. 
This can be the same person as the parent or carer you have listed above.

Your qualifications

E.g. Maths (A level), Chemistry (IB Higher), BTEC Applied Science (Extended Diploma), etc.

E.g. Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

This question does not refer to your preferred Queen Mary Futures subject strand. We'll ask you about this later.

Programme eligibility

When deciding which applicants can participate in the Queen Mary Futures Programme, a number of eligibility criteria will be considered alongside your supporting statement.

Please note that:

  • Applicants are eligible for participation in this programme on the basis that they meet all 'Required Criteria', and at least one of the 'Additional Criteria'.
  • Certain additional criteria will be prioritised when applications are assessed for eligibility. For full details about this please see the Queen Mary Futures website.
  • Where relevant, to understand which Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) decile your home postcode is in, you can go hereYou can ask a teacher or adviser to help you with understanding your IMD postcode status, if necessary.
  • Where relevant, to understand your school's overall GCSE performance, you can go hereYou can ask a teacher or adviser to help you with understanding this, if necessary.
Required Criteria

Additional Criteria
  • To understand which Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) decile your home postcode is in, you can go here. You can ask a teacher or adviser for help to understand your IMD postcode status, if necessary.
  • To understand your school's overall GCSE performance, you can go hereYou can ask a teacher or adviser to help you with understanding this, if necessary.
  • Queen Mary's sponsored academy schools are Royal Greenwich Trust School, St Paul's Way Trust School and Drapers Academy.

Choosing your subject strand

Queen Mary Futures sessions will typically take place between 4:30pm and 6:30pm on Wednesday (Science and Engineering subjects) and Thursday (Humanities and Social Sciences subjects, and Medicine and Dentistry) evenings. 

If accepted on to the programme, you will be sent a timetable of activities based on the specific subject strand that you have a place for. Subject strands will offer students an insight in to studying a range of closely-related subjects taught in Queen Mary's academic schools.

The subject strands that you can apply for are listed below. You can click on each of the links for help to decide which the most suitable subject strand for you might be.

Science and Engineering Subject Strands

1. Biological and Behavioural Sciences
2. Engineering and Materials Science
3. Maths, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
4. Physical and Chemical Sciences

Medicine and Dentistry Subject Strands

1. Medicine and Dentistry

Humanities and Social Sciences Subject Strands

1. Business, Management and Social Sciences
2. Economics and Finance
3. Media, Literatures and Communication
4. History, Politics and International Relations
5. Law

Important: Please note that for your application to be competitive, you should currently be studying subjects and qualifications that would make you eligible for study of your preferred subject at Queen Mary. You can check relevant course entry requirements here: bit.ly/qm-futures.
Preferred subject strand

Alternative subject strand

If we are not able to offer you a place on your preferred subject strand, but there is another subject strand that you are suitable for, we may offer you an alternative.

On this basis, if you have a second choice of subject strand that you would like to be considered for, please use the below drop-down list to indicate which this is.

Note: We will always first look to offer you a place on your preferred subject strand. If you are offered your alternative choice of subject strand, please trust that every effort was made to place you on your preferred choice first.

Supporting statement

Please tell us why you would like to take part in the Queen Mary Futures programme (300 words maximum).

Please include brief details of your motivation for taking part; what you hope to gain from the experience; and how you believe participation in the programme will help with your preparation for life after school or college.

Evaluation statements

Please indicate your level of agreement with the below six statements, for our evaluation purposes. 

If your application is successful we will ask you to do this again following the conclusion of the programme, to measure what difference there has been.

Queen Mary University of London Data Protection Notice

This privacy notice explains how Queen Mary University of London collects and uses personal data of people who attend events organised by our Widening Participation team. It is in addition to Queen Mary University of London’s Data Protection Policy.

Why are you asking me for this? Collecting this information helps us to evaluate how good our activities are and see what impact, if any, we are having on helping students to access higher education. The lawful basis for processing your data used by Queen Mary University of London is consent. There are three main reasons why we collect your data:


  1. For monitoring purposes: this enables us to fulfil compulsory external reporting requirements to regulatory bodies like the Office for Students (OfS), and gives us a clear picture of the types of students we are working with.
  2. For evaluation purposes: this helps us to understand whether the activities we run are beneficial to young people in helping them to achieve their full potential at school and find out more about university. It also helps us to see how we can improve our activities in the future.
  3. For applications and admissions purposes: if you choose to apply to study at Queen Mary University of London in the future, we may use your information to support your application.


What will you do with my data? We will store this information on a secure database until you are aged 30, and if you enter university within this time, your data will be kept for an additional 15 years after you graduate. In the short term, we will use it to help us assess if we are reaching young people from backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in universities. The data will be entered onto the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT) database, where it will be stored in accordance with current data protection legislation. Once you leave school/college, your data will be sent to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). They will tell us if you went to university, if you finished your degree and if you found a job at the end of your studies. Your record will not be used in a way that would affect you individually. We won’t ever use your data to send you ‘spam’ emails. 

Who will you share it with? Only to enable the research and evaluation described above, your data may also be shared with the Office for Students (OfS), the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), the Department for Education (DfE) or HESA, and our partners including HEAT service subscribers and the National Data Service. We won’t ever share your data with companies for marketing purposes.


Will my data be safe? Yes, very safe. We have to comply with strict data protection laws to make sure that we protect your personal details; we comply with the Data Protection Act.


Can I change my mind? Yes. You have the right to ask us to delete your data at any time, just email wp-dataprotection@qmul.ac.uk to do this. You also have the right to ask us what data we hold about you. For more information, including on other rights you have, please see https://www.qmul.ac.uk/privacy/


I’m still not sure… Please ask us about anything that concerns you or that is unclear. If you are really not comfortable with sharing your data, that is completely fine. You can still participate in our activities.

Data consent declaration

Communication preferences

Teacher details and verification
We ask for details of a teacher, or another suitable member of staff at your school or college, so that we can:
  • Verify the information you have provided in your application form
  • Inform them of your participation in the Queen Mary Futures programme, if your application is successful
Please provide the details of your nominated staff member, below.

Note: It's a good idea to let your nominated staff member know to expect an email regarding your participation in the Queen Mary Futures programme.

Student Code of Conduct - Queen Mary Futures
Our student Code of Conduct for the Queen Mary Futures programme outlines:
  • The expectations we have of students who take part in the programme;
  • What programme participants can expect from us;
  • What action we might take if the code isn't adhered to.
Please read the Code of Conduct below carefully. You'll be asked to declare that you understand and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct at the bottom of this page.
The Code of Conduct 
By participating in the Queen Mary Futures programme you will be expected to behave responsibly and respect the rights of other students and staff.

Rules and regulations
For your own health and safety and the safety of other students on the programme, the following rules and regulations will apply: 
  1. Alcohol must not be brought to, or consumed during the event. If the members of staff suspect a student has been drinking alcohol, they may be asked to take a breathalyser test. 
  2. The purchase, use, or possession of any illegal substances is strictly forbidden
  3. Students must comply with the instructions given by staff throughout the event for their own health and safety and that of others
  4. Students are expected to be tolerant of the beliefs and views of others and to maintain appropriate behaviour at all times. Bullying, inappropriate language or disrespect of other student's beliefs will not be tolerated
  5. Students must ask the permission of other students or staff members when taking photos or videos on cameras or mobile phones. Queen Mary can accept no responsibility for photos of videos taken by students on their individual devices
Equal opportunities
Our mission is to create a truly inclusive environment, building on our cherished cultural diversity, where students and staff flourish, reach their full potential and are proud to be part of the University. The University is committed to equal opportunities for all and as such, we expect students to respect each others beliefs and opinions. By completing this code of conduct you agree that you will behave in a supportive way towards others opinions and beliefs, demonstrating inclusive behaviour. The University has a zero-tolerance policy for abusive, inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour. 

Serious incidents and misbehaviour
In the event of serious incidents of misbehaviour, students will not be permitted to continue at the event. In this case, the student and their parent/carer are responsible for their return journey. In the event of this happening, or if a student wishes to leave early, the University will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred as a result.

During the event
At the start of the programme, all students will attend a full briefing which outlines the expectations of participating students. During the event, staff may explain some additional rules and regulations that will apply. It is expected that you will adhere to them for your own health and safety, and that of other students and staff. 

Students are expected to attend all timetabled activities unless in extenuating circumstances which must be communicated with the event organiser in advance.
Code of Conduct Declaration

Final important programme notes

It is important that you are aware of the below items that apply to the Queen Mary Futures programme:

  • Scheduled programme sessions will run in-person at Queen Mary's Mile End and Whitechapel campuses, unless otherwise stated.
  • Certain sessions will be video recorded using Queen Mary's in-built classroom recording technology, for educational purposes. Recordings typically focus on a presenter at the front of a classroom; however, it is possible that images of students may also be captured from time-to-time. Recordings are only shared with Queen Mary Futures students and relevant members of Queen Mary staff, and will only be shared more widely with the permission of those featured in relevant recordings.
  • In some cases it will be possible to claim financial support for the costs of travelling to and from Queen Mary for the Queen Mary Futures programme. More details about this can be found on the Queen Mary Futures website, under the 'FAQs' heading.

If you would like to discuss any of the above items further with a member of the Queen Mary Futures team, please email: outreach-programmes@qmul.ac.uk

Final application checklist

Student Declaration
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge